Wednesday, 10 March 2010

A single man

LOVE this photo!
I'll save the film stills until i've actually seen this film. I've been too busy so far, but hopefully if it's still on somewhere in Easter (!?) I will get to see it!
My collection is coming along really well. It's just reached the peak of stress now with 6 outfits having to be completed by the 22nd March.
After that date I will be on top blogging form! I am super excited to show you all what i've been up to, even if that won't be until May. I hate keeping secrets!
Let me know if you want to come to Bristol to see the show first hand. Just drop me an email or blog comment! xxx


  1. Tom Ford makes me blush; so talented and the owner of the perfect stubble!

  2. A Single Man is truly beautiful - love this film!


  3. Sorry, should have probably mentioned that! The show is on the 22nd May! xox
