Monday 26 October 2009


The Machine de Terre collection.

Stumbled upon Aesa's latest accessory collection whilst definitely not doing any work online. It's so sophisticated but sexy and edgy, I want every piece! That first picture makes my toes curl! Mmmmmm.
The website is nearly as gorgeous as the collection, all the pieces laid out in beautiful shapes and colours. What a cute idea!
I wish they sold online but as far as I can see the collection is only available from stores in the U.S.
I'll pin my hopes on going to New York some time in the not so distant future.


  1. Your blog header pic with Iris in V&R "Dream" is so funny. Anyway luv the purple accessory in triangular shape.

  2. DARLING. Charlie May. why did you never tell me about your blogging habits? Also dont you think the piece at the top here is just like Jess Mill's bone necklace? Loving it. Lif
